Originally posted by Carl Childress
Well, maybe they don't teach us to count in Texas. I care not how many articles are displayed on each page. That changes, you see, with the length of the grabber. Right?
No, there are 5 on each page.
Originally posted by Carl Childress
Mr. Wiederaenders' pieces are as follows since he began in February:
February: 6
March: 8
April: 7
May: 6
June: 11
July: 8 (published and scheduled)
That's 46 articles in 26 weeks, which is slightly fewer than two articles a week.
I see that he is not doing an article a day. But he has written 18 of the last 39 baseball articles. That is about half. When every other article is his, it seems like an article a day.
Originally posted by Carl Childress
Now, take your pick: If you were a subscriber (and I believe you announced you were not and would not become one: Am I right?)
No, I am a suscriber. 3appleshigh said that he was no longer planning on suscribing. All I said is that maybe there are other customers you are also losing.
Originally posted by Carl Childress
which would you prefer? No baseball articles that day? Or: An article you knew would be literate and well-written, one maybe that would even get your blood up?
I would much rather see a literate and well-written, one maybe that would even get my blood up. But which one of your writers not named Tee is going to write this?
If you want to improve Officiating.com, all you need to do is three things.
1. You need more than 2 writers. You, Rich, Peter, and JM seldomly put out articles. That leaves everything else to Tee and Wiederalanders.
2. You need to need a recent news writer. You always say Officiating.com is better than Referee because you don't have to wait a month for the next issue to come out. But you pretty much never use this capability.
3. Interviews are interesting. Interview MLB umpires. Interview some assignors. Anyone. How did the new NF balk rules go over? You could interview people from different areas of the country, and report back with the results.