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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 05:07pm
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Just for fun here.

What's your favorite rule misconception/misapplication that a coach has argued/said to you?

Don't say "hands are part of the bat" or "he' gets 1+1" since those ones are the all-time champions.

I'll start with a couple-

With R1, LHP lifts leg and pauses in mid-air. I call balk. Coach says "what for?" I say "he paused his leg. he can't stop his motion". Coach says "if he lifts his leg up, he can keep it there all day!" I say "no, he can't". Assistant coach chirps in after i'm done with that coach and says "if he does that every time, it's not a balk." I say "that's not a rule," and walk away.

Batter hits a chopper off the plate and gets throw out at first. Coach says "ump, did that hit the plate?" I say "yeah, it did." He says quite angrily, "then it's a foul ball!" I said "no coach, it's not. Plate is in fair territory." He says "where'd you come up with that?" I said "from the rulebook. It's a good book, you should try reading it sometime." People snickered from the other dugout.

What are some of yours?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 05:53pm
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1) A ground ball bounces over the top of the bag (either one, it don't matter) and lands several feet foul.

2) A batter bunts the ball straight down in front of the plate it comes back up and hits the bat again while still in his hands and he is still in the box and the ball is rolling weakly to the pitcher.

3) A batter strikes out on a swing and in so doing ends up in front of the plate in the catcher's way on a throw to 2B to try and get R1 stealing.

4) And of course, FPSR when there was no chance of turning two gets 'em out to argue every time.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 06:12pm
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"He has to slide."
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 07:24pm
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Base awards are always tough for coaches. This story just happend to me about a week ago.

I was calling games in a Legion All-Star tournament. The players were some of the best players in the entire country.

When I arrived at the field, I was suprised to find that neither of my 2 partners were there yet. I guess they are just not as dedicated as me to show up 2 1/2 hours before the game.

I had a bunch of time to waste, so I figured I could spend some time cleaning all my gear. After I had cleaned everything, I figured I should take a look at my uniform. I came to realize that one of my 14 pairs of plate pants needed to be pressed. I got my iron out of the trunk, but I had no where to plug it in. I then realized that there were probally outlets in the dugouts on the field. So I carried my pants, iron, and ironing board to the home team dugout. The manager was sure suprised to see me, but he was glad that at least one of the umpires would for sure be here for the game. After I had finished ironing my pants, I looked towards the parking lot, and I could see my partners had still not arrived.

I figured I might as well make myself useful, so I hopped on the teams "Gator", and dragged the infield for them. After I had finished, I decided to put down the baselines. I took the chalk machine (one of those roller things) and put down the first and third baselines. Now it was time to do the batter's and catcher's boxes. I work the GD stance, and I hate it when catchers scoot too far up to the plate. So instead of the BB being 3 feet deep from the center of the plate, I extended it to about 4.5 or 5 feet. Now if the catcher scoots up to far, he will for sure take a whacking from the batter's bat. Solved that problem.

So fast foreward to the base award issue. It was the 5th inning, with the visiting team batting, winning by 2 runs. Of course I was doing the plate, because I am just so good at calling pitches. No one was on base, and B1 hits to the right side of the infield. F5 makes a great diving stop. I can hear calls of "Great play!" from the dugout. F5 hops up and fires low to first. The ball skips past F3, and rolls into the home team's dugout. U1 sends the BR to second base.

The offensive manager, not understanding that he is being wronged, does not come out to argue. I then call out to U1 "Hey Bob, would you like to ask me anything about that play?" (Yes that is the same mechanic taught by Wiederlanders. I bet you are wondering if this game was last week, how did I already read the article? Well, because I enjoy Wiederlanders' articles so much, I have him email them to me as soon as he writes them. That way I don't have to go through the agony of waiting a whole day for his next article.)

So, U1 looks at me and he says "Huh?" So I shout back, "You messed up the base award you idiot, come and ask me for help." So the offensive manager hearing this decides to come out and talk to Bob. I went out to join in the conversation. The manager says "Bob, what is the rule on the base award." Bob repiles "Well skip.." I then cut him off and say "I'll take it from here Bob, you are an incompetent umpire. You need to study the eteamz rules myths more." I then look at the manager and say "It is a two base award from the BR's position at the time the ball entered DBT." I then send the BR to third base, for he had touched first before the ball entered the dugout. The manager replies "That is what I always though. I asked that question once on a internet umpire forum, but I just got flamed for asking a stupid question. Only one person ever answered my question. I think his name was Mitch Fives, or something like that. He also informed me that he was a coach, so I assumed his ruling was wrong. Thanks for confirming his incorrectness for me."

This of course brought out the defensive manager. He says "How does the BR get third? If it is the first play by an infielder, then the award is from TOP." I reply "But it wasn't the first play. Remember when F5 made that diving stop? You yelled from the dugout "Nice play". F5 fielding the ball was the first play, therefore the throw is the second play." The manager replies back "Whatever man. You are crazy." I told him that he better shut up or he is going to be gone. He says back "You are one of only 3 people on the field being paid. You must always act professional and have a willingness to listen to reasonable arguments WITHOUT threats from you to eject us!" I said "I have had enough of you telling me how umpires should act, you are out of this game."

I knew I would have to fill out the ejection report after the game, but I always refer to the managers as "Sir" or "Mister", I never use their names. I better figure out this guy's name quick. As he was walking away from me, it was on the back of his shirt. His uniform number was 4, and his name was Ignitor. So I pulled out my lineup card and wrote down "Ignitor4".
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 08:23pm
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Thumbs up ROFLMAO!

Too Funny! I give it 1 thumb up (only because I can't use two icons above)!

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 08:39pm
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hahaha excellent story
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 08:52pm
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 08:58pm
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American Legion this past Wednesday.

B1 swings at pitch, bat hits the pitch then hits batter in the head knocking off his helmet and putting him on the ground. I'm U1 of a 3 man crew so I just take it all in. B1's manager is helping him up and they start to stroll up the foul line toward me. When B1 is about 10 feet from me, I put up both my hands and ask "Where are you going?". B1's manager says "He get's 1st! He was hit by the pitch!" I asked the manager, "What game were you watching? The bat hit the ball, the ball hit the batter in the head while he was still in the box! I've got a foul ball, you go back the dugout, your batter goes back to the box, we add a strike and you battter gets a lump on his head for his troubles!"

The manager told me that the PU said because B1 was hit in the head, he could take his base. I explained to the manager in front of the PU that the "hit by batted ball in the head" rule only was in effect if the DH was on 2nd in his underware and the assistant coach was doing a can-can on the dugout roof! He laughed and said if his assistant goes on the dugout roof to do a can-can, he was not hanging around!
When in doubt, bang 'em out!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 08:58pm
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And the value of all this, is what?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 09:07pm
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The same as a coupon.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 10:03pm
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my best one is where the coach eventually got ran from the ball game for arguen this call and after being instructed that he was restricted he stated that i couldn't restrict S**T she he found the parking lot.

play was:

batter hits the ball down third base line before the bag the fielder reaches over the line in to foul ball territory while his feet were still in fair territory and touches the ball before the bag with the ball being in foul ball territory. i call it a foul ball and the coach blows up.

he calls time walks down the third base line to argue the call. he argues the rule, i tell him that its not where the player is, the location of the ball when touched determines the fair/foul situation he didn't like that.

i told him that the conversation was over and the ruling stands. his batter strikes out and that ends the inning. the coach comes over to argue the thing again and thats where he gets restricted and utters some of his last words about the situation. his other words were that he was not going to leave because i was wrong and he was right

[Edited by ecurebel on Jul 8th, 2005 at 11:45 PM]
while umpiring I have yet to WIN, LOSE, or even TIE a game. I am only there to call it like I see it.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 10:13pm
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Question ummmm....


Could you please let me know what a "she he" is? I'm just dying to know .

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 10:14pm
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he was an idiot
while umpiring I have yet to WIN, LOSE, or even TIE a game. I am only there to call it like I see it.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 10:26pm
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I will vouch for Luke's story, (LDUB), but, I must tell you the parts he left out on purpose.

He gets to ALL his games 2-1/2 hrs early because his wife does'nt let him drink or smoke at home. He has found that by getting to the field that early, he can usually get a six-pack and a cigar in before game time. This has contributed to him being tossed out of 5 ballparks for ironing his pants in his underware, when the teams showed for batting practice.

One game, he threw out 7 players and 2 coaches by the 3rd inning and then asked them all to come back after he had sobered-up in the 4th and realized that he would'nt get a full fee if it was an incomplete game.

As bad as that game sounded though, it could of been worse if he had done the bases. He once threw the first baseman out of the game because he kept kicking dirt on the bag, Being the neat freak he is, he finally got tired of pulling his brush to clean the bag and , well, that was a differtent game, different time and place.

Keep up the good work, LUKE.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 10:35pm
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"batter hits the ball down third base line before the bag the fielder reaches over the line in to foul ball territory while his feet were still in fair territory and touches the ball before the bag with the ball being in fall ball territory. i call it a fould ball and the coach blows up."

Once a ball is called "fall", it can't be called "fould" unless it directly follows Summer Ball.

In Ct. we never let teams play Fall Ball after playing Summer Ball, unless the ball hits the bag. Then its all Fair.
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