American Legion this past Wednesday.
B1 swings at pitch, bat hits the pitch then hits batter in the head knocking off his helmet and putting him on the ground. I'm U1 of a 3 man crew so I just take it all in. B1's manager is helping him up and they start to stroll up the foul line toward me. When B1 is about 10 feet from me, I put up both my hands and ask "Where are you going?". B1's manager says "He get's 1st! He was hit by the pitch!" I asked the manager, "What game were you watching? The bat hit the ball, the ball hit the batter in the head while he was still in the box! I've got a foul ball, you go back the dugout, your batter goes back to the box, we add a strike and you battter gets a lump on his head for his troubles!"
The manager told me that the PU said because B1 was hit in the head, he could take his base. I explained to the manager in front of the PU that the "hit by batted ball in the head" rule only was in effect if the DH was on 2nd in his underware and the assistant coach was doing a can-can on the dugout roof! He laughed and said if his assistant goes on the dugout roof to do a can-can, he was not hanging around!
When in doubt, bang 'em out!