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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 08, 2001, 06:28pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2000
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Getting back to my point about moving up vs. kissing your assignor's ass...

Last year was the first year I worked on this summer youth league. Two things that the assignor/supervisor dictated to other umpires simply went against my SOP:

1.) Balks were NOT to be called during the first two weeks of the season;

2.) Plate umpires are obligated to inform managers during the pre-game conference on what the strike zone would be that game.

Now, let's say I wanted to get some good assignments in the league, so I go along with that the big dogs do. I get assigned a 17-18 league game early in the season. Pitcher balks so bad that the fans in Cleveland see it, yet I call nothing. Let's say that a big dog from the college level is watching this game for whatever reason. What is going to be his impression of my abilites? I guarantee that he'll never recommend me to work any college ball, much less anything higher than coach-pitch.

I've got my limits on compromising my principles vs. kissing my assignor's ass.

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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 08, 2001, 09:19pm
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Originally posted by DDonnelly19
Getting back to my point about moving up vs. kissing your assignor's ass...

Last year was the first year I worked on this summer youth league. Two things that the assignor/supervisor dictated to other umpires simply went against my SOP:

1.) Balks were NOT to be called during the first two weeks of the season;

2.) Plate umpires are obligated to inform managers during the pre-game conference on what the strike zone would be that game...

I've got my limits on compromising my principles vs. kissing my assignor's ass.

I have experienced the first situation. Summer leagues in which players are moving from 60' to 90' or 75' to 90' will be concerned about pitchers having to adjust to runners leading. More importantly the coaching abilities may be somewhat limited. Usually in these cases we are asked for a "balk warning" for each pitcher. I don't have a problem and always make sure both coaches agree that this is what their league has requested.

As far as the second--I think this is just plain dumb. I don't have a problem if the coaches ask me to call a lot of strikes but I'm sure not going to explain what a strike is. I would object seriously to any assignor asking that this be done. Jim/NY
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 09, 2001, 12:32pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 196
Originally posted by DDonnelly19

2.) Plate umpires are obligated to inform managers during the pre-game conference on what the strike zone would be that game.
Wow.... I cannot think of a WORSE thing to discuss at a plate meeting. That was just plain, bad, wrong, and stupid.
You were right to resist.

Part of my soon to be famous document "50 ways to hack off your partner" is the plate meeting strike zone discussion. I once say a guy take a ball out of this ballbag and then give a demonstration of calling the corners. I about hurled.

Besides, in 99% of cases, the announced zone and the zone as called in reality, are rarely the same thing.. So the guy could have saved his breath.
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