Originally posted by sir_eldren
It's obvious he's a worthless coach or he'd instill a sense of respect for the game in his players.
This is feeling like the end of a game and Ishouldgetthehelloutofhere.
I do like Craig's sentiment. Not sure I would have stated it so strongly but ABSOLUTELY, YES. The coach instills his attitude into his players. And if the coach is a butthead (I'm being nice), the majority of his players (because most of them don't have strong enough parents to instill proper values) will also be buttheads, and so will their weak willed parents in the stands, and possibly the similarly feeble minded other fans. IT STARTS WITH THE weak family and is pushed to higher levels at the front of the game BY THE COACH. Craig is right in my mind; the coach is responsible.
A-holes are not born; they are taught that being disrepectful is okay. It's a way of showing how strong you are by disrespecting others. It is complete total crap but seems to be an integral part of sports and of our flailing, Godless society.
Tolerance my A double S. We need some pillars of respect. BE ONE.
As my signature line says: Be a Knute and practice a little sportsmanship.