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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 20, 2004, 09:52am
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Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
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Senior Little League, last night.

"How's my zone tonight, Coach?"

Coach: "Not bad up and down. Why? ...First game?"

"Trying the new Gerry Davis stance."

Coach: "Huh?"

"A different stance higher and deeper than what I'm used to.
I was just wondering how things looked."

Coach: "Well, since you asked, my pitcher said you missed some corners in the first inning, but you started calling 'em after that."

"He was right, Coach. [grin]"

Coach: So, how's the new stance working?"

"Great view of the plate, but I've been hit three times dead on the mask tonight and that usually happens only a coupla times a month."

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 20, 2004, 01:00pm
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Originally posted by mick
... I've been hit three times dead on the mask tonight and that usually happens only a coupla times a month."
You said it, man!

Two things I don't like about the GD - Although, I'm getting over it because IT IS A GREAT STANCE.

1) You get hit a lot more. Standing tall makes for a bigger target. Standing farther way from the catcher means more of your body is in the "exposed" areas around the catcher.

2) Being up where you can see the full flight of the pitch and see it for a longer amount of time is good obviously for calling balls and strikes. However, being hit twice smack, dead-on in the mask without the catcher even raising his mitt let alone deflecting the pitch, has led to my flinching. Being able to see that pitch for a longer time has got my brain to thinking it can get out of the way. I've caught myself a half-dozen times this season flinching to one side or the other thinking I should avoid the pitch.

The better level of games I have not had this problem. But those lower levels where the pitchers don't quite have complete control and the catchers are to inexperienced, or to lazy, to get up and catch that high fastball coming at my head... Aaaahhhhh! Move. Oohhh, not good.


Where am I at? What's the count?
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 20, 2004, 01:14pm
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I guess I'm just not "in."

I don't wear long undies under my short sleeved uniform. My mind still functions well enough that I don't need to play with an indicator on the bases and I'd never ask a coach how my zone was during a game.

Tee, you were right.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 20, 2004, 01:27pm
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Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 7
I began this season by switching to the Gerry Davis stance. After the first 2 games behind the plate, I was hooked. What a great view of the plate! I was comfortable and relaxed and had 2 great games. During my third game behind the plate, I was hit on the right bicep, with a right handed batter up. But that was okay. We all get hit from time to time. An inning later, with another right handed batter in the box, I took a nasty shot of my right forearm. That one really hurt, so to prevent any further injury, I reverted back to my original stance. I was mad at myself for the next few days for giving up on the new stance so quickly, so next game out, I went back to the Gerry Davis Stance. In the second inning, I took a foul tip off my right hand. Over one week later I will still not shake hands with people because it still hurts. But I stuck with it, until the next inning, when I took a nasty shot of my right forearm. I can look down right now still see the circular bruise on my arm. That was it for me. I am now back to my original stance, and very happy with my decision. I like to see the guys in the Major Leagues using the stance because I think they look steady and comfortable, but it just didn't work for me.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 20, 2004, 01:31pm
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Posts: 124
Same with me.... I am sticking to my scissors stance... I get hit minimally, and have great plate coverage.

It doesn't take a lot out of me, as I rest my hands on my one knee (depending on the batter).
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 20, 2004, 01:47pm
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Red face

Originally posted by GarthB

Tee, you were right.
Yer right, Garth.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 20, 2004, 04:37pm
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I have also switched to the GD System. (it’s not just a stance)

Getting hit in the cage is the last thing I worry about, and actually hope for it I have to get hit, because I wear a helmet. Getting hit on the button is kind of like having a mosquito land on your nose.

But man are your hands, forearms and inner thighs exposed !

I have not been hit YET, but balls have been whizzing by in places they never used to. I am going to stick with it until I get beat up so bad I can’t stand still. I’m finishing up HS playoffs this week and next, where I rarely get hit anyway, and also finished up the BR 13 YRO PREP leagues this week. PREP was not a problem because they don’t throw hard. This week I start BR 14 – 15 YRO Juniors and 16 – 18 YRO Seniors. The seniors aren’t a big deal because it is basically HS Varsity, best of the best. The juniors have me a bit worried because the pitchers can throw hard and the catchers aren’t much better than the 13 YRO’s. This may be it for the GD !

Maybe I could switch to Hockey Goalie gear ?
Have Great Games !

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 20, 2004, 08:09pm
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Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
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Originally posted by nickrego

But man are your hands, forearms and inner thighs exposed !
I have a philisophical problem with putting my radia and ulna under the full support suggested all the way to my knees.

Using reason and knowledge of the anatomy, with my upper body leaning on my knees and the arms in tension, a good fastball good break one of those bare bones.

Thumbs behind knee guards, I did hold the clicker in a loose left fingers on the side of my knee for the same reason.

It may be suicidal with a weak catcher, ...but what a great look!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 21, 2004, 07:27am
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Originally posted by mick

I have a philisophical problem with putting my radia and ulna under the full support suggested all the way to my knees.

While you want your arms to be straight, don't "lock" your elbow.

Also, make sure that the insode of your elbow is facing (mostly) forward.

A ball that hits your arm will cause the elbow to bend, absorbing much of the force and lessening the chance of a break.

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 21, 2004, 07:57am
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Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
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Post Thanks, bob.

Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by mick

I have a philisophical problem with putting my radia and ulna under the full support suggested all the way to my knees.

While you want your arms to be straight, don't "lock" your elbow.

Also, make sure that the insode of your elbow is facing (mostly) forward.

A ball that hits your arm will cause the elbow to bend, absorbing much of the force and lessening the chance of a break.

I appreciate that input, Bob.
It reinforces my thoughts, although it contradicts what I have read.
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