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Old Thu May 20, 2004, 01:27pm
ref59405 ref59405 is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 7
I began this season by switching to the Gerry Davis stance. After the first 2 games behind the plate, I was hooked. What a great view of the plate! I was comfortable and relaxed and had 2 great games. During my third game behind the plate, I was hit on the right bicep, with a right handed batter up. But that was okay. We all get hit from time to time. An inning later, with another right handed batter in the box, I took a nasty shot of my right forearm. That one really hurt, so to prevent any further injury, I reverted back to my original stance. I was mad at myself for the next few days for giving up on the new stance so quickly, so next game out, I went back to the Gerry Davis Stance. In the second inning, I took a foul tip off my right hand. Over one week later I will still not shake hands with people because it still hurts. But I stuck with it, until the next inning, when I took a nasty shot of my right forearm. I can look down right now still see the circular bruise on my arm. That was it for me. I am now back to my original stance, and very happy with my decision. I like to see the guys in the Major Leagues using the stance because I think they look steady and comfortable, but it just didn't work for me.
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