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Old Thu May 20, 2004, 01:00pm
DownTownTonyBrown DownTownTonyBrown is offline
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Originally posted by mick
... I've been hit three times dead on the mask tonight and that usually happens only a coupla times a month."
You said it, man!

Two things I don't like about the GD - Although, I'm getting over it because IT IS A GREAT STANCE.

1) You get hit a lot more. Standing tall makes for a bigger target. Standing farther way from the catcher means more of your body is in the "exposed" areas around the catcher.

2) Being up where you can see the full flight of the pitch and see it for a longer amount of time is good obviously for calling balls and strikes. However, being hit twice smack, dead-on in the mask without the catcher even raising his mitt let alone deflecting the pitch, has led to my flinching. Being able to see that pitch for a longer time has got my brain to thinking it can get out of the way. I've caught myself a half-dozen times this season flinching to one side or the other thinking I should avoid the pitch.

The better level of games I have not had this problem. But those lower levels where the pitchers don't quite have complete control and the catchers are to inexperienced, or to lazy, to get up and catch that high fastball coming at my head... Aaaahhhhh! Move. Oohhh, not good.


Where am I at? What's the count?
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford
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