Sun May 08, 2016, 11:28pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Originally Posted by teebob21
Wait wait wait. There are no outs and 1st base is occupied. B2 swings at a third strike SO SHE HAS STRUCK OUT FULL STOP. Anything that happens after that is irrelevant to B2. B2's next destination is the dugout, not 2B.
Am I missing something here? B2 is out and R1 can be awarded 3B on the thrown ball to dead ball territory. Or maybe it's INT, although 8-6-16c says offensive team INT is not applicable to a BR running on the dropped third strike rule. HTBT, of course. This player is NOT entitled to run as a BR under the D3K rule, though; she's out already. Answer: (f), no correct answer but (e) is plausible. A thrown ball has gone out of play, so absent an INT ruling, R1 isn't staying at 1B. (A) is the least correct answer, because it's wrong unless I have completely boned the third-strike rule.
I'm glad I am not the only one who caught this.