Thread: Blarge
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Old Mon Feb 01, 2016, 11:40pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by Spence View Post
I've always understood that on a blarge where the shot went in the basket does NOT count IF there was player control at the time of the foul.

However, I'm not sure how I justify that from the rulebook.
A couple of things here. First of all you are kind of jumbling many different things into one. Let us take one at a time.

Originally Posted by Spence View Post
When we report the fouls we use the double foul signal, correct?
A "blarge" is two different officials making a call. Both signalling and the rulebook states that we cannot just ignore or take one back. You would not report a double foul initially as both officials would have to report their individual fouls. I guess at the end of it you could give the signal, but I do not think that is how I would do it (or have done it in the past) at the spot. That is all semantics as this is not supposed to happen in the first place.

Originally Posted by Spence View Post
I can't find where it says that the basket does not count on a double foul. I see 4.19.8 C where it says it DOES count IF the ball was released prior to the foul.
If you read the case play and the ruling, nothing says that you would not count the basket. In Situation A, the ball goes in the basket and the basket is considered successful. Also in the play in question the ball was released before the "double foul." So you do not kill the ball because a foul does not automatically make the ball dead after a release. That is a basic fundamental in the rules actually. And since you do not have a PC foul by definition (you cannot on a double foul) it is treated like any other foul when the ball is clearly released. It would be no different if A1 shoots the ball and while the ball is in the air, A2 and B1 both foul each other and a double foul is called. You would allow the basket to count if it goes in and give the ball at the POI which would give Team B the ball. If the shot is missed, the POI is the AP situation as no one has possession.

I hope that kind of helps.

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