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Old Mon May 11, 2015, 02:18pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally Posted by Manny A View Post
Okay, I've always assumed (perhaps wrongly) that the word "announce" included what the coach does to report a substitution to the plate umpire.

Playing Devil's Advocate, however: Don't we always say that what is written in the plate umpire's line-up card is official should there be a dispute between the scorebook and the card? So shouldn't that mean that a change is consummated when it's written down and verified by the coach making the change?

I don't necessarily buy the argument that a substitution is not official until the announcement is made to the opposing head coach. That sets different standards when the coach who initially made the substitution can change his/her mind. If the head coach is acting as third base coach, and he/she gives me a batting order change near the third-base dugout that is occupied by the opposing team, I can make that change official a lot quicker than I can make a change official if I have to walk over to the first-base dugout if that's the one belonging to the other team.
Well, count me as among those who considered a reported sub to be official when it has been reported to the PU and recorded on his lineup.

But, going back to read a rule is sometimes a good thing!

Anyway, it also does say the sub should be reported "immediately." The wording is curious because it implies a case where the sub is never announced, but does it also imply a 2-step process: 1) report to the PU, and 2) PU announces.

I keep thinking that I am over-thinking...
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