Mon Dec 30, 2013, 08:51am
NFHS Official
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 1,734
Originally Posted by Adam
It wasn't "nothing" IMO. If it's the first sign of trouble, she's getting a quick chat about keeping her head in the game.
If it's post-chat, then it's a T.
If it starts a fight, then it's a flagrant T either way, IMO.
Originally Posted by Adam
IMO, if you're going to require intent here as you indicate, the rule is useless. I agree it's not the best wording, but it makes more sense to me than requiring the player to have intentionally started a fight. The action itself was intentional.
I'd much rather get rid of both eggs.
Added note:
"Useless" may be a bit strong. It's possible the rule is intended to only apply to a player attempting to bait his opponent into a fight.
Originally Posted by Camron Rust
I don't recall anyone saying otherwise.
It seems they did.