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Old Tue Feb 26, 2013, 08:26pm
VaTerp VaTerp is offline
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Originally Posted by rockyroad View Post

I really don't think it is a career killer for either of them. Will they lose a few Big 12 games this season? Yes...maybe the Big 12 tournament? I doubt that it will cost them a post-season berth if they had one. If it does, one of the other conferences they work for will pick them up.

And I would love to hear their post game thoughts and their breakdown of that play also. Maybe in a few years they will share at a camp or something.
Yeah I would think/hope that this one play is not going to impact either one beyond losing a couple of Big 12 games this year.

And I just watched the play again during halftime of the IU-Minnesota game. I think it boils down to positioning. Neither the L or C worked to get a good angle on the play and it cost them big time in terms of not having a needed whistle. Then Smith compounds it by putting the kid on the line with a very marginal call after passing on a collision.

But we all know things look different from different angles. I think the C has no idea about the LGP status of the secondary defender b/c he couldnt even see him and the L had a poor angle and guess he did not appreciate exactly how much the offense went through the defender.
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