Sounds like you weren't the problem.
Originally Posted by jeremy341a
As they broke their huddle I called out for yellow ball as I was standing on the endline. I remember saying to the yellow player that you have the baseline and can run. Black had scored right before yellow called timeout. I handed the ball to the player instead of bouncing because there was defensive pressure. I did not point in the direction that yellow should be going after the timeout was over. Should I be doing this after a timeout? I do it after an intermission. After a timeout I will just state the color.
I believe the confusion came from the fact that black had been pressing all game, they came up to press which brought all of yellow up. The coaches for Black then yelled "No you are in 3-2." Black moved into a 3-2 half court zone but did so in the front court. I think this is where the yellow brains went haywire that they were on their offensive end. While handing the ball to yellow the Coaches of Black yelled that they were on the wrong end. They retreated just as yellow was throwing the ball in.
kids! Sounds like you did all you could do.
-- #thereferee99