Originally Posted by Rich Ives
8.01(e) does not apply because the jab step and jump steps are considered to be moves from the rubber.
IOW because they are from the rubber the bit about becoming an infielder because he stepped off doesn't apply because he's still considered on.
The ruling about the jab step is in writing in the MLBUM. The jump step is considered as being in the same category by interpretation.
[Sorry, I went to CDP in July and my MLBUM was still in my suitcase!]
I cannot find any such language, Rich. I found this though,
"It is legal for a right-handed pitcher to begin a pick-off move to first base by moving his pivot foot in the direction of third base provided that he makes a legal step toward first base with the non-pivot foot before throwing there and provided that the move is continuous and without interruption. A pitcher who makes such a pick-off is considered to be in contact with the rubber when he makes his throw to first base." (Bold emphasis is original to citation.)
Wow! Bob's quote was from 1999. When did the MLBUM become publicly available? He sure was ahead of his time.