Originally Posted by starman
Thanks. I agree with you for NFHS. But I still think that the run counts in OBR.
Also, can you help me with some terminology. Are "Fed" rules = NFHS rules?
I am not an ump. Just a coach who learns a lot by reading this board.
Yes, FED = NFHS. Only in baseball (in my experience) do officials refer to NFHS rules as FED.
You're mistaken. The rule you cited was 4.09b, but that rule does not supersede 4.09a. No run can score when the third out of the inning is a force play. 4.09b simply specifies who must advance on a game ending play.
Others will be along presently to confirm this uncontroversial ruling, in case you don't believe me. And, good for you that you study the rules!