Originally Posted by BSUmp16
Oh baloney - It was clear from SDS's entire post, in context, what it was he was "relishing" to do.
Yes, it was... and not what you imply.
Put me in SDS's camp. If a coach tells me he won't play if I put a certain umpire on his field, I'm putting that umpire on his field. Not because they will have an itchy trigger finger, but because the coach needs to know that he doesn't call the shots regarding who I put out there. If a league ball coach tells me he doesn't want Joe on his field anymore, he gets Joe as often as possible until that coach can handle himself with Joe on the field.
(Very likely, I'm going to find myself in the vicinity of this field a few times)
When I'm not in charge, I would expect the same of my UIC's.
It should be noted that if it turns out Joe behaves in the manner suggested by you (quick trigger finger, or your favorite unnecessarily profane metaphor), I'm having a long talk with Joe... but I respect my umpires and my colleagues enough to not expect them to carry over animosity from one game to another.
This has NOTHING to do with what you imply (or say outright).