Originally Posted by RPatrino
Rich, my point was/is. If you rule obstruction on this play, it is Type A, and you would award R2 third. There is no 'shoulda/woulda' on Type A. Dead ball, award a base. The judgement factor is WHEN did THIS obstruction occur? Before/simultaneously or after the out?
But your previous post implies something quite different than that:
Originally Posted by RPatrino
In regards to the OP, if the obstruction occurred after R2 was put out then you don't have obstruction, right? BUT, this would have been Type A (OBR) had you ruled the runner, absent the obstruction, could have beat the throw to the bag on the force out. So, you have to 'umpire' in this case, and use your best judgement based on the situation.
The bolded part implies that the judgement is whether or not the runner would have beaten the play had there been no obstruction. (You may not have intended that, but that's how it reads.)