Originally Posted by Steven Tyler
Pardon moi for not being anally retentively challenged. Is it just tooooo much trouble to give a clenched fist, with a simple, "That's a catch"?
You're not? Damn, you sure sound like it. Giving a big hearty "That's a catch" for a routine fly ball out to CF sounds about as anal as you can get on a baseball field. A simple arm signal is the proper mechanic. Sorry if that is too anal for you. Now, OTOH, if the CF is running for the ball, and the catch/no catch is in ANY way in question, then a verbal signal is not only a good idea, but also the proper mechanic. So it just boils down to the original play, which was described as a routine can of corn, in which all participants could readily see for themselves that a catch was imminent. Now, if the CF were to drop said can of corn, then the BU should holler "No catch." I do hope you see the difference here and that you are not too AR challenged to see it!