Originally Posted by 7IronRef
It was under his breath, the official asked for a repeat (baited), basically knowing that if kid repeated he would T him. The official baited a 6th grader, come on.
The comment and under his breath aspect of if is not disrespectful in my opinion. There are other ways to handle this situation, advise the player or coach in some way so that they know they are about to cross the line (yours, not mine).
If that is your interpretation on every comment made under one's breath, you will have a difficult time being consistent in calling it during games and in calling your children on it. Good luck penalizing everyone of them. 
Sorry, but if I can hear it, it's not under his breath. This comment is going to be a T from me in any game I work (I don't work college), getting his fifth foul doesn't give him a free pass. 6th grade game? It would be in the top five easiest calls I've ever made.
Do you really think Dad would have reacted different if the OP had just gone straight to the T? No, Dad just wanted the opportunity to tell the refs how bad he thought they sucked.
And as for the "Ts are supposed to make the game better" canard, Rich addressed it pretty well. Ts are not supposed to make the game better, they're supposed to punish unsporting behavior. They normally make the game better, but if they don't, that doesn't diminish the validity of the T.