Originally Posted by Tex
Not enough information in play description to determine if an initial play is being made. Therefore answer will be given for both: with and without an initial play being made.
With an Initial play being made:
2-47-3 INITIAL PLAY ... A fielder is considered to be making an initial play on a fair batted ball when she:
a. Has a reasonable chance to gain control of a ground ball that no other fielder (except the pitcher) has touched.
b. Has a reasonable chance to catch the ball in flight or catch the ball in flight after it touches another fielder.
c. Fails to gain control of the batted ball and is within a step and a reach (in any direction) of the spot of the initial contact.
If any of the above is true, use Rule 8-6-10 (The Runner Is Out) ... The runner interferes:
a) with a fielder attempting to make the initial play on a fair batted ball.
PENALTY: The ball is dead and the runner is out. Each other runner must return to the last base touched at the time of the interference. When a runner is called out for interference, the batter-runner is awarded first base and credited with a fielder's choice.
Without an Initial play being made (Deflective Ball):
Use rule 8-8-6 (Runner Is Not Out)... A runner is hit with a fair batted ball after it touches, or is touched by, any fielder, including the pitcher, and the runner could not avoid contact with the ball. Play on.
8-8-6 has nothing to do with the play as described.
I thought:
Ground ball to F1 deflected off her glove towards F6
R1 bumps into F6 as she is going for the ball.
Would be enough to describe the NFHS Inital play.