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Old Wed Jul 13, 2011, 09:53am
Andy Andy is offline
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Originally Posted by MrRabbit View Post
If this is ASA rule set I have a question?
When did they change the call for Obstruction?
You said you called out that is obstruction, but you said F2 did not catch the ball.
Isn't that DDB until she is put out or she reaches the base and is safe?
Obstruction is a delayed dead ball. The DDB signal is used by extending your left arm straight out to the side with a closed fist.

I teach that the verbal is optional, but if you choose to use a verbal, it should be said in a normal voice so that any players in the immediate area can hear you, not to use a loud voice to call OBSTRUCTION, THAT'S OBSTRUCTION!. Usually, when an umpire starts yelling out a call, players tend to stop playing, especially at the 12u level. The DDB requires that we let the play complete, then make a ruling, if needed.
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!
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