Originally Posted by Big Slick
The PU will NEVER give up the play at first if that is where the play is happening, in a two umpire system of three umpire system. Even if the single runner started at second. You see the play first, then you move to third.
Originally Posted by Bandit
This is the mechanic for both ASA and NCAA.
If that's what you believe, please cite page number of the must recent ASA or NCAA manuals.
You'll have to let me know if it's changed, but the '09 CCA Softball manual pg. 181 says:
"...come to the foul line in fair territory and trail the batter-runner about 10 feet up the line. Be stopped in a ready set to see the play at first base. If R1 rounds second base, move to a primary position for a tag play at third base by first establishing your angle and then closing down the distance."
Doesn't seem to definitively support Bandit or Big Slick.