Originally Posted by Bandit
The play into third is not the secondary play for the plate umpire. It is the primary play/call that is the responsibility of the plate umpire.
Seems you read that incorrectly. If the play at third is the secondary play, meaning a play has happened somewhere else, then the PU will make the call at third. If the initial play is on R1, PU will not be making this call in any umpire system.
The pulled foot is a secondary play/call for the plate umpire. The call at first and a pulled foot is a "if" call for the plate umpire. "IF" they appeal, they will ask for his/her opinion/help.
PU has the responsibility to watch for this on plays at first base, and where it is seen from depends on where runners start. But in this instance, with R1 (at first), PU will trail a BR.
True the plate umpire should trail the BR. But only to the point (normally the plate umpire will not even get to the running lane)
Normally? Try like the PU should never trail more than 15 feet.
in which that the R1 has approached (if passing...this would be considered possibly too late) second base on her way to third. At this point the plate umpire must adbandon the BR and be in position for the call at third.
The PU will NEVER give up the play at first if that is where the play is happening, in a two umpire system of three umpire system. Even if the single runner started at second. You see the play first, then you move to third.
This is the mechanic for both ASA and NCAA.
If that's what you believe, please cite page number of the must recent ASA or NCAA manuals.