Originally Posted by dsqrddgd909
I agree that all contact is not a foul and that adv./disadv. applies. How am I supposed to interpret this and previous year's POE?
A. Hand checking.
1) Hand checking is any tactic using the hands or arms that allows a player, on offense or defense, to control (hold, impede, push, divert, slow or prevent) the movement of an opposing player. This is a good def. of adv/disadv
2) Hand checking is a foul and is not incidental contact.
3) Defensive players shall not have hand(s) on the offensive player. When a player has a hand on, two hands on or jabs a hand or forearm on an opponent, it is a foul. Seems to expand on what is said in 1) above
I don't think 1 is a definition. It does seem to say that it's not a foul unless there is an advantage.
Item 3 seems, to me, to say it's a foul regardless of advantage.
So, I think items 1 and 3 conflict.