Originally Posted by Snaqwells
Personally, I think we've been a little harsh on Judd, but that's just my opinion. 
You're not the only one.
Was he a saint? No. But OFC1 invited that grief upon himself by being so off-base on so many rules.
Item 1 was completely innocuous. Nothing he said was unsportsmanlike and it was a true statement. Plus, the ref blew the call.
Item 2 was certainly flirting with going too far and he was even wrong on the point he was making (you don't have LGP when you are running beside someone). That should have at least drawn a warning to the HC about the assistant's behavior.
Item 3 wasn't him....at least the part that was worthy of much attention or a T. And the ref had blown the call.
Item 4 was indeed too much and deserved a T....but he was right and the ref either knew it or at least doubted himself. The ref was in a dilemma about whether to call a T and/or eject the head coach (with no rule to support that) and expose his mistake(s) or retreat and take it as a learning experience. At the beginning, he was simply telling his players were to go (legally) and to not listen to the official. The coaches, even assistant coaches if they're seated, have the right to direct their players were to be on the court and how to play the game. Even if that instruction puts them in violation of a rule, then the officials should just make the call...particularly when the official suggests they move back and the coach directs them to stay. And even so, it would have only been a FT violation if the shot was missed...nothing more....certainly not a T or an ejection of the head coach. The ref was writing his one rules on this one and deserved to be called on it.
In the end, I can only hope OFC1 goes home and opens his rulebook so he doesn't invite that kind of trouble again by BS'ing his way through situations.