Originally Posted by Judtech
"The worst example of a person trying to coach" is a bit hyperbolic, and while petty and personal attacks are something you default to, in this case I take exception.
I deliberately said it that way because the vast majority of coaches that I've met over the years would never dream of doing any of the despicable crap that you described...and gloated about...in your original post. Guilt by association with someone like you...and I hate to say it but your wife also because it seems she condones your actions.... would have just been wrong on my part.
You just don't get it, Judtech. I worry about my fellow officials...and the state of basketball. I worry about all of the players. I worry about the good coaches that we meet, the ones that care for the game and teaching life lessons. Do I care or worry about coaches like you? Never. You eventually reap what you sow, and now you're reaping it in this thread. And there's nothing personal about it either. It's an indictment of all the coaches that share your
team-first no matter what mentality.
End of wasted sermon. Fell free to ignore.