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Old Thu Dec 23, 2010, 06:28pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally Posted by BktBallRef View Post
Yes, but there's no language to interpret in the traveling case play. The ruling in 4.44.5B says a player who is on the floor, holding the ball, can pass, shoot, start a dribble, request a time-out or sit up if he's on his back. Those are the ONLY things the ruling says the player CAN do.

Further, it specifically says that he can sit up if he's flat out his back. So why wouldn't the ruling include that he could roll to his side if it was allowed? Why would it tell us one thing he can do but ignore another if it was allowed?

I guess we can imagine. Mr. FED says, "Well, actually he can sit up if he's on his back and he can roll to his side but we just decided not to include that part in the ruling."

Sorry Woddy but that makes no sense. If he were allowed to roll to his side, they would have included that with the sitting up statement.

Merry Christmas!
You don't have 4.44.5SitB in your case book? The case book play that says "A1 may pass, shoot, dribble or call a timeout. Once A1 has the ball and is no longer sliding, he/she may not roll OVER."? Somebody steal that case book play? And at Christmas too?

Case book plays are put out to clarify rules. It's true, it's true.....

We disagree. Shrug.

You and your family have a great Christmas too, Tony.
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