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Old Fri Oct 29, 2010, 12:04pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by BadNewsRef View Post
It's not asked for, it's supplied automatically every Monday by the state to every association's commissioner.

You're system is not the same as our system. And, in fact, our by-laws do make some references to test scores. Our test is on-line and open book with at a 4 week period to finish it, so having the questions early is really a moot point around here. But it shows that it can come into play depending on what system you're involved in.
I understand we have a different system. But you cannot expect that I am going to care what you do when it does not affect me. Just like I cannot care if one teacher in school gives tests one way and the teacher teaching the same subject next door has a different standard. This is why people in college will take one teacher over another because of their standards they might use.

People are asking for the test in many cases (not all of course) are asking legitimately for what will help them without cheating. But we have people that jump off the deep end because they simply asked and are unaware of what others do across the country. And if I did not know that before, I really know that as the NF test does nothing for me other than to use as a study tool. And even that will be limited. Almost all my state's test questions are not going to be asked in that format. I will have to know more about the rules and knowing what the specific length of a channel on a basketball is.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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