Thread: Ejection ...
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Old Fri Jul 30, 2010, 02:09pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally Posted by tref View Post

1) My point was, if a team is getting hammered & they have a player foul out in a EOG situation & we go tell the coach something (11 has 5 fouls) that he has already taken care of... he gets to chirp about a call he thinks he should've got!

2) I hear you, coach instead of that's enough coach w/stop sign could've minimized the chances of Ts being thrown... especially when he hadn't said a word all game. OR maybe not, but putting ourselves in the best position to difuse situations as opposed to pouring gasoline on it is always better. Wouldn't ya say?
1) Why does any coach get to chirp about a call that he thinks he should've got? The rules explicitly say that he doesn't have the right to do that. I know there's real life, but coaches whining sureashell isn't a God-given right. He might get to chirp but I also get to tell him to stop his damn chirping.

2) And you're still missing my point. I really don't care what approach you take with the coach after his initial complaint. Personally, I have no problem with a warning but if you want to try something different than a warning and it works for you, hey, obviously your way is fine also. But if you do warn as Billy did in the original post, then I strongly believe that Billy had no choice but to do what he had to do dependant on subsequent events. All Billy did was react to the coach's refusal to shut up.

And to be quite honest, I also personally believe from a whole bunch of experience that saying "I hear you" wouldn't have changed anything in a situation like this. The coach had already made up his mind that he was going to get his complaints on the record and he really could care less at this point what you were saying to him. He's not really listening to you anyway. Either way, he's either going to make the complaint once to you and drop it or he's going to run with it and see how you react. He chose door #2 in this case and he went out that door because of his choice.
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