Thread: Weekend tourney
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Old Tue Jun 01, 2010, 07:31am
mbyron mbyron is offline
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Originally Posted by constable View Post
I've always been told if you are ejecting someone you need to sell it like you would any other tough call,without showing off and being antagonizing.
I disagree. I had one ejection during the HS season just concluding, and it was for MC during a play at the plate. Big kid barrels over the skinny F2 who did not have the ball, obvious OBS/MC call. (The runner hit him in the chest so hard he flew up off his feet and landed 3 feet behind the plate; his AD told me the next day that the kid plays football but hasn't hit anyone that hard on the gridiron!)

The D coach came out to attend to his player and didn't say a word to me. The O coach was standing expectantly at his dugout. I paused long enough to replay the scene and remember that MC supersedes OBS. Then walked over and calmly told the O coach, "he's gotta go." He asked about OBS, and I "reminded" him that to get that call, his player still has to slide or go around F2.

Point is: everyone expected the EJ, and no good purpose would have been served by giving a giant "heave ho" signal.

That F2 came out to play the rest of the game, too!
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