Thread: Shirts
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Old Sun Mar 28, 2010, 01:14pm
kylejt kylejt is offline
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Their stuff is okay IF you're outfitting a whole bunch of guys, AND the shirts are $10. That's what I did. My park was fully stocked with navy, but I wanted polo for hot days. I bought a bunch, and it's worked out fine. They do run huge, and are built for "square" people, but for my situation it's perfect.

I do love the long sleeved black shirt of theirs. Again, they were $10. They're silky smooth, fit nicely over plate gear, and look sharp.

Now, they don't match other makers, so I can't use them when working outside my little circle of umpires. But for certain circumstances, their stuff is fine.

Would I buy their pants? No. I'm a Honig's polywool convert

Jackets? No.I like my +POS.

Now, if they made a $100, black plate coat..............maybe.

But geez, some of the stuff they come up with. It's as if the only taste they have is in their mouth.
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