Fri Mar 19, 2010, 12:14pm
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Originally Posted by Dakota
In ASA and Fed, there is an exception for the "retired runner continuing to run and drawing a throw" interference rule (ASA 8-7P, NFHS 8-7-18) for a batter-runner running on the dropped third strike rule.
Even though both books word this exception in an unfortunate manner, leading to constant arguments/discussions as to whether it applies with the D3K rule is not in effect, when the batter is still a batter and not a BR, etc., etc., case plays such as NFHS 8.1.1-B make it clear the exception applies to when the batter/BR runs "as if" on the D3K rule.
Therefore, the retired batter is not out for merely running and drawing a throw. I don't see how being hit with the thrown ball changes anything.
Generally agree, but " hitting the former batter in the back" is not very specific. Does the running lane rule apply to this sitch and if so, did the non-BR interfere with the fielder taking a throw?
The jmkkupka comment " If IMO the catcher was attempting a pickoff throw (instead of thinking D3K), I'd have the batter out (strike 3 + INT), and R1 is out." is worth considering.
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