Originally Posted by Skahtboi
Personally, I think ASA and all other organizations should make a stand one way or the other. Either completely disallow electronic devices of any form, for the reasons Dave has already stated, or decide that you are going to allow everything. I lean toward the first, myself. And if that is the course they choose, there should be no exceptions.
I do not disagree. However, it shouldn't be that difficult to notice if the coach is using the "device" for something other than keeping score.
The crux of this change that was discussed in committee seemed to lean toward video. Of course, we have all seen or heard about morons wanting to show the umpire a video of a play for either a ruling or intimidation purposes. OTOH, I could see the point concerning communications with outside concerns. While I believe stealing and interpreting signals is part of any game strategy, it should be within the confines of the field, not with the help of someone posted on top of a hill 200 yds away with high-power binoculars.
Yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds, but who on here that has been around a while would put that past some coaches/parents you have encountered?