Originally Posted by Camron Rust
The walk to the table could be just a sign of calmness and in control. Using his calmness to settle those around him.
One of my thoughts: His walk to the table most likely included several thoughts. First being, the timing issue. The C ran in in and had something to offer. As pointed out by Indianaref and someone else
, the time was an issue and possibly the horn sounded after the call, idk. In addition, the offending player had 5 fouls. As all tables seem to do, the signals were coming and the L was trying to get his reporting correct while being given info for which he wasn't yet ready. I think he was pretty sure that he was gong to have to address the table.
I am also thinkning the C was the R. If not, he sure involved himself in a lot of "stuff" that couold have been handled without him.
All things being said, and 2 days of picking it apart, these officials got the calls right and looked right (to the general public) doing it. After all, it was a State Final and a crazy finish. I get nervous doing a big Conference game.
One more thought, the C, if he was the R, may have made the incorrect switch so he could stay close to the table (knowing all the issues and being the one with definite knowledge of time remaining) so he could easily help at the table (as he does) when needed. Not that the FED gives us that option.
My point: they got it right and we officials were able to learn a few things from the process. Great post tomegun!