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Old Sun Jul 26, 2009, 11:33am
steveshane67 steveshane67 is offline
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Originally Posted by NCASAUmp View Post
In short, the umpire defines it. It is up to the judgment of the umpire, and the umpire, alone. Nothing more, nothing less.

As for your ridiculous scenario of mass carnage, that's just a whole bunch of silliness that isn't worth my time. Go get a rulebook and read rule #10-4-G.
Got me, in my quest to ask, as stated, an extreme extreme scenario, I overlooked the injury rule.

Let me try this again with a more mundane example. 0 outs, LHB, OF shifts to pull, batter hits a little duck snort to LF, the BR is thinking double all the way, the LF sprints over, cuts the ball off, and when throwing to second, airmails it, and the ball rolls all the way to the fence. The runner runs into the 1B, maybe tweaks a hammy or rolls an ankle and stumbles into 2B and stays on 2B, not wanting to risk anything going for 3rd with 0 outs. But since the ball rolled all the way to the fence along the 1st base line, and the 1B was not properly backing up the play (ie had to chase down the ball), would you award the BR 3B since a "healthy" un OBS'ed runner would have made it there?
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