Originally Posted by GA Umpire
So, you are going to leave BU to cover 3 bases on a play which you could help with 1 of them?
And, as Steve said, that is only with an R2 only or there is an R3 at any time. If R1 only or R1 and R2, then PU gets 3B for the play if there is going to be multiple runners such as an R1 and BR now or R2, R1, and BR.
Get out from behind HP and cover a base if possible. Don't leave BU to cover it all at all times. And, this is for hits to the outfield.
I'm coming up the line to make the call at third on a tag up. The problem I had is that with no catch or no catch verbal or signal, we risk a double call on a force at third. I'm making a call at third base if it is a tag up situation. If the ball is trapped, the force call still should be the call of BU.