Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
You know, I have heard this interpretation before, but I have never been able to reconcile it with NFHS 6-1-f-2, that says "when the hands are together and no part of the windup motion has been made, the pitcher may legally step back from the pitcher's plate with both feet;"
Can someone show me a rule or official written interpretation (other than XXY said so) that says this rule regarding pitch preliminaries does NOT apply when the pitcher steps on the pitcher's plate with hands together?
Ok how's this?
NFHS 6-1-1-a Prior to pitching, the pitcher MUST........., and with the hands separated.
so if she doesn't meet this, its a illegal pitch... even if she brings the hands together and then legally disengages the plate? yes? or am i totally not understanding what your asking?
I kinda feel like the guy who brought a knife to a gun fight when talking rules with y'all.