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Old Sun Dec 28, 2008, 10:48pm
Ignats75 Ignats75 is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
I would just write a "Special Report" about the incident after the game. The Special Report (same form used for all ejections) in our state is something the Principal receives as well as the AD automatically (filed online). I would rather put this in the file so that the IHSA knows about it and the school administrators know about it. The IHSA will deal with the situation without my knowledge and either direct the school to move the officials to a better location or consider this behavior when other situations come up with this coach (which you may or may not be involved in). All Special Report filings must be given a response to the IHSA Office by the person being written about. In other words, depending on the administration that hires the coach, the coach might not have a job or at the very least get suspended based on this situation and other incidents that you know nothing about. And the use of language would be the main reason this might result in some sanction.

I do not see how this necessarily falls under the rules when the action is more logistical than a clear violation of unsportsmanlike behavior. Not to say that is not an option, but for me not the best option in my opinion.

Then in the second half, the coach better be on their best behavior, because they would not get the benefit of the doubt when complaining about calls or other things going on the court.

Leave it to Mr Rutledge and Mr. DeNucci to have the right handle on the situation. I would certainly be uncomfortable issuing a T for behvior that was neither directed at the crew nor on the court but instead "heard through the wall". A special report to the state seems like the right move IMHO.