Originally Posted by BadNewsRef
That was my first year of officiating, so I probably wasn't paying too much attention to POE's. I do remember mention of forearms on the post players. But still, I do not see the phrase “Defenders are not permitted to have hands on the dribbler or offensive players away from the ball" in that POE.
Originally Posted by mick
From an old book Rules 2001-2002
POE 4. Handchecking, Rough play
A. Hands off- Defenders are not permitted to have hands on the dribbler!
- No displacement of a cutter.
- The measuring up of an opponent (tagging) is hand-checking, is not permitted, and is a FOUL.
- Use of a forearm, regardless of the duration of thee contact is A FOUL.
- Hand-checking is not incidental contact; it gives a tremendous advantage to the person illegally using their hands.
- This applies to both offensive and defensive players.
- Principles involved in incidental contact (Rule 4-27) apply!
Please note that the *Capitalization* and *Punctuation* is shown as written in the book.
It's there, if you want it to be there, but we also apply steering, controlling, dsplacing, hampering, hindering.