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Old Mon Sep 15, 2008, 12:01am
kylejt kylejt is offline
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I know guys who've been umpiring for years and have never taken one to the cup. They still roll with one though. Umpires can go a long time without taking a nasty shot to the chest, and proclaim the virtues of their brand.

Years ago, during a 9/10 game, I took a foul ball straight to the heart. I was wearing a Diamond tuck 'n roll model, and the shot messed me up for days. I felt slow, out of sorts, and more stupid than ever. IT MESSED UP MY HEART RHYTHM! And this was in a little kids game.

My point is that there's lots of guys who will tell you that soft chest protectors are fine. They'll also tell you that they "feel" the shots in those same protectors. So if you feel safe getting socked in the chest now and then, fine. Me, I've dealt with the after effects of that. Never again. Platinum or Gold for me.
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