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Old Mon Aug 18, 2008, 07:53pm
Freddy Freddy is offline
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ROP -- Always Results in a Violation?

Your previous insights have added to my understanding of the NFHS "Resumption of Play" rule. I'm still wondering, however, is this:

>>> what in the rulebook makes a ROP procedure always result in a violation?

SIT.#1) That a free thrower, when going into the semi-circle to pick up the ball "placed at his disposal" on the floor is violating seems clear from Casebook 9.1.7, which says, "After the ball has been placed at the disposal of the free thrower, he/she is not permitted to leave or enter the free-throw semicircle without violating...". I will concede this as a violation because it is in the casebook, though at this point I can't find anywhere in the Rulebook where this is cited as a violation. Do you know of what citation in the Rulebook I'm missing?

SIT.#2) Now, how about a ROP situation on a throw-in? What if the ball is placed on the floor and the five-count starts, but the team hustles over, the thrower, while fully OB, picks up the ball and makes a legal throw-in before the five-count ends. Is that legal? I can't find where it says that it isn't. Can you help me find it?

#3) Or is the whole thing clarified by Rule 4-38, which says in part, "The procedure results in a violation instead of a technical foul for initial delay in specific situations."? Might SIT.#2 above not be one of those "specific situations"? Or does the ROP always result in a violation?

Thanks for your consideration and response!
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