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Old Thu Apr 17, 2008, 10:26am
mbyron mbyron is offline
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Originally Posted by Blue37
Procedural question.

The defense was pointing out B3 as having batted out-of-order. The pitch to B2 legitimized B3's at bat and B4 should be at the plate. B2 is now batting out-of-order. If the defense has said nothing about B2 being out of order, should we "bring B4 to the plate"?
In actual fact, the defense didn't say anything until afterwards, when they and their fans cried like babies. The offense (scorekeeper) called attention to the BOO, and because he waited for that 1 pitch I suspect that he knew the rule.

However, even if it had been the defense appealing B3 batting out of order, at that point the offense knew and I knew that B2 was the wrong batter. The pitch to B2 made B3 the proper batter, and that would mean that B4 should be batting. By rule, we bring the proper batter to the plate, no matter who points out the BOO. The only issue at that point is whether there's an out to be called or runners removed from base, and that depends on when the matter arises.

The conversation went like this (we used player's numbers, but I'm substituting B2, B3, etc. for consistency with the thread):

O-Coach: B3 just batted out of order.
Me: OK, who bats after B3? Him? (pointing to B2 at the plate)
O-Coach: No, B4.
Me: OK, get B4 up to the plate. The count's 1-0.

Then I explained it to the defense's coach.

D-Coach: So who's out?
Me: Nobody's out, coach. You pitched to the next batter, and that made B3 the proper batter. (I didn't add: and his 2-run homer counts.)
D-Coach: Somebody has to be out! They batted out of order!
Me: Coach, by rule, you have until the next pitch to catch the BOO. You pitched to the next batter, so we bring the proper batter to the plate, and he inherits the 1-0 count.

D-Coach left, mumbling...
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