Giving a defender a "T" for intentional contact on an airborne shooter when the ball was dead instead of giving him the intentional personal foul that the rule calls for
But the rule doesn't exempt the defender in that scenario, thus a T would be proper even under your reading. Read the rule again. It says, "intentional or flagrant contact foule while the ball is dead, except a foul
by an airborne shooter," not "
by or on an aiborne shooter" as article 1 reads.
Again, I don't believe the committee intented to 1) make a distinction between intentional or flagrant contact on or against an AS and 2) insert the last phrase in 4-19-5-c to exempt dead ball intentional or flagrant contact from being a T under that condition, but rather to make it clear that contact against an AS was to be ignored unless intentional or flagrant.