I was in one of our rules classes last night and a situation came up in the discussion that brought several responses. For this, assume ASA rules.
R1 is supposed to bat, but has struck out the previous 3 times in the game. R2 comes up to bat (the batter who should have followed R1). She gets on base with a single. Now, the following happens before the next pitch. The Offensive coach sees the Defensive coach coming out, supposedly to make the appeal. The offensive coach calls for time first, gets it and comes out and tells the PU that he made a mistake and wants to put R1 on 1st and let R2 bat. This is done.
Now, the question is, is there anywhere in the rule book that will not allow the defensive coach to make the appeal for BOO anyway? The Rule Book says the Offensive team can make the correction while the batter is still batting. I can't think of any reason not to honor the appeal, call R1 out and continue on. To me, it's just a dumb move to alert the umpires, possible a unethical ploy on the offense's part to get around a poor hitting batter, and we should not penalize the defense just because they were slower to call for time.