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Old Sat Oct 29, 2005, 09:06pm
Carl Childress Carl Childress is offline
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by WhatWuzThatBlue
1) Carl writes: My comments are bold.

There is a section in the book that says by state assocation declaration, any rule may be superceded [sic]. Again, why is this a puzzle to Carl and his minions?

Carl: I don't have minions. Vassals, yes; minions, no. (grin)

We'd all be interested in the statute that allows a state association to suspend "any rule." The FED gives states specific rules they may adopt: coach's uniform, courtesy runner, guidelines where ejected participants may go, limits on innings pitched, protests, questions about protests (1970 off. interp.), safety bases, game-ending procedures, mercy rule, tie games, speed-up rules, unforms, and uniform logos. Funny: Verbal obstruction, lodged ball in equipment, the batter's box, exclusive use of NFHS baseballs are not listed. Oh, you can find the rule numbers in the BRD. Look in the index under State Association Adoption.

Grab the 1988 one (since you seem to have that Newsletter handy), how many pages are in it? Uh, oh...

Carl: Four pages, 46 official interpretations.

**Please let me know when the San Antonio clinic will be held. I know some guys down there that will be happy to speak up for me. It will be interesting to see how an autocrat responds to someone who doesn't make his living on a highschool [sic] or Legion ball field.

Carl: When I reached 55, I retired from the college ranks - after calling over 400 Division 1 games for, among others, Texas A&M, Baylor, Rice, University of Houston, SMU, Maine, Seton-Hall, Nebraska, Kansas, Kansas State, Arkansas, Arkansas State, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Michigan, and Michigan State.

The TASO convention is January 20-22 at the OMNI in San Antonio. Of course, if your "guys down there" have not been nominated for state certification, they won't be allowed to attend my classes. Still, they and I can have a Dr Pepper or two and discuss whatever suits them.

Finally: I know you've heard this before, but it bears repeating. Everybody knows who I am. I hide behind no pseudonyms. You'll find no coy references to my identity in my posts. I have the guts to allow my opinions to attach to me.

BTW: Anthony NoLastName did not call yet. No email, either. Perhaps he hasn't yet dropped by The Forum. Why don't you give him a call?
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