Someone with the self-delusional name of Mr. Umpire (grin) posted in a thread since locked: "What's a Carl's Clinic? Anything like Evans's Florida Classic or Gerry Davis's camps or Little League's WR Umpire School? Who are the instructors?"
No, a Carl clinic is not "like" Evans' or Davis' clinics. The Carl clinic is designed specifically for the target umpires. In North Carolina and Iowa, my clinic was for JUCO and high school umpires. In Wyoming, the audience was 18 Babe Ruth umpires. In Mexico, it was for semi-pro and low-level pro umpires. In all those clinics I went to the mountain. (another grin)
In McAllen, the one Chad attended, the clinic was for USSSA umpires for leagues ranging from 18u to 9u. The 5-day camp was attended by 33 umpires representing 9 cities -- not counting La Grange, Indiana.
I imagine even Mr. Umpire would benefit from attending a Carl clinic. I know I do.