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Old Sat Feb 24, 2001, 03:42pm
Carl Childress Carl Childress is offline
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Originally posted by umpyre007
BRD Section 116: Catch: Dead-Ball Area: Thrown From

OBR: The fielder, unless he falls down or loses body control, may throw from any dead-ball area. (5.10f: 7.04c CMT 2)

The concept of "falling" in dead-ball territory after a catch is a well-documented concept. However, this concept of "losing body control" is a new concept to me. There are no OFF INTERPs, Notes, Plays or other clarifying comments in the BRD concerning this concept. Additionally, I have reasearched all Authoritative Opinion and Official Interpretation materials available and they too seem [unless I missed something] silent on the concept.

Could someone enlighten me on this "losing body control" concept, providing possible examples and authoritative and/or interpretative material?
I'm sorry for the inconvenience. It's a pity you wasted all that time researching JEA, J/R, Knotty Probems, et. al. (all Authoritative Opinion and Official Interpretation materials available) and didn't research the paragraph directly above the OBR comment that puzzled you; i.e., the NCAA rule book at 6-1d.

Those who are familiar with NCAA-level baseball or its rules will surely have recognized the term is borrowed from that book. It is an attempt by that committee to define "falls."

I trust you will enjoy my book. If you have additional questions and want to save yourself this kind of embarrassment, write me directly: I'll be happy to help in any way I can. ([email protected])
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