Originally Posted by bucky
Whenever I see illegal gear ... that requires removal, I tell the player to go to the locker room.
Originally Posted by bob jenkins
So tell the player "if you want to play, you need to leave the gym and take off the undershirt"
Originally Posted by BillyMac
Good preventative officiating.
Great advice from bucky and bob jenkins.
Originally Posted by BillyMac
When in Rome ...
The "Taking Off The Jersey Rule" has probably been around for a decade. Here in my little corner of Connecticut, I've never seen it enforced on any level for anything other than a player who had just fouled out showing resentment, or disgust, to the call by taking off the jersey on the way to the bench.
I wonder how many Forum members enforce every "Fashion Police" rule? Or how many officials, in general, fully understand, and enforce, every "Fashion Police" rule? Sad to say, we don't do a great job in my local area. Better enforcement of the undershirt rule (a very simple rule to understand, not many choices for legal colors) would lead to fewer players having to change (although, to flip it, no enforcement of the rule would lead to no players having to change), leading to less chance of players trying to change in the bench area.