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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 15, 2012, 03:17pm
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PAVO Refschool practice tests

I am using ref school on the PAVO site to practice for the NCAA rules test. What is the proper answer for the following question:

An errant ball rolls onto the court during a rally, and the referees stop play and signal a replay. The Team S captain immediately asks for a lineup check before the first referee authorizes the next serve. The second referee should allow the lineup check even though the rally was not completed.

Per rule, a completed rally must occur between interruption requests. A coach cannot ask for a lineup check in the situation above. Why can the floor captain ask and b granted the line-up check?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 15, 2012, 07:11pm
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A coach or captain CAN request a line-up check in the situation given.

From page 136 of the current NCAA VB Rules Book concerning Rule 11:
SITUATION 1: The coach for Team R requests a lineup check after a replay is signaled by the referees due to a ball from another court interfering with play. RULING: The request for a lineup check is allowed. Regular game interruptions are only allowed after a completed rally, but a lineup check is not included in the definition of game interruptions. Therefore, a request for a lineup check is allowed by either team anytime the ball is out of play, as long as it is requested by the captain or coach before the authorization for service. (See Rule 11.1.1, Rule and
Jan G. Filip - San Jose, CA
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 16, 2012, 12:51pm
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Originally Posted by pavbref View Post
Per rule, a completed rally must occur between interruption requests. A coach cannot ask for a lineup check in the situation above. Why can the floor captain ask and b granted the line-up check?
Because, as Jan indicated, a lineup check is not, by rule, a game interruption. Game interruptions are timeouts and substitutions, neither of which apply here.

Make sure you know before you label something a certain way that you know what the definition of it is.
Felix A. Madera
USAV Indoor National / Beach Zonal Referee
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 16, 2012, 01:54pm
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In the test software, it flags the answer as wrong if the coach requests the line-up check, but it is correct if the captain makes the request. In both situations, it refers to rule 11.1.1. I understand that the only game interruptions listed are time-out and substitution. I believe that the software contains an error when it flags the situation of the coach calling for a line-up check.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 16, 2012, 02:07pm
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In the following question, the correct answer is B which states that no line-up check is permitted:

The first referee authorizes service but before S1 can serve the ball, an errant ball enters the court. The referees whistle to stop the service action. Which of the following requests are permitted before the first referee re-authorizes the serve?

A - Either team may request a lineup check.
B - No requests (lineup check, timeout or substitution) and no libero replacements are permitted until the next time the ball is out of play.
C - Either team may request a substitution.
D - Either team may request a timeout.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 16, 2012, 10:36pm
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must be an error in the test. "A" is the 'correct' answer. Do we get a prize for finding errors?

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 17, 2012, 12:48am
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pavbref, did this happen before Tuesday night, August 14th? If so, the answers had not been updated for the 2012 season. That may be why it answered that way.

Or, it could just be they screwed up the answer!

I had the following during one of my quizzes yesterday:

Question 47 of 50 :

Which of the following faults should NOT be signaled by the line judges?

Your Answer
A) A player other than the server has a foot clearly off the court when the ball is contacted for service.
B) A player contacts an antenna during a rally.
C) The ball contacts the floor when a player is attempting to make a save close to the floor.
D) The ball crosses the plane of the net outside either antenna after a team’s second hit.
I selected "A" but it was indicated that my answer was Incorrect and the correct answer was "B".

However, I sent an e-mail to Brian concerning this:

I am questioning the validity of this question. Per Line judges are no longer responsible for calling foot fault errors on players other than the server.

Therefore, I believe either "A" or "B" is a correct answer.

Please clarify if I making an incorrect assumption.
Jan G. Filip - San Jose, CA
EBVOA Rules Interpreter Emeritus
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 17, 2012, 01:11am
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Posted by pavbref:
In the following question, the correct answer is B which states that no line-up check is permitted:

The first referee authorizes service but before S1 can serve the ball, an errant ball enters the court. The referees whistle to stop the service action. Which of the following requests are permitted before the first referee re-authorizes the serve?

A - Either team may request a lineup check.
B - No requests (lineup check, timeout or substitution) and no libero replacements are permitted until the next time the ball is out of play.
C - Either team may request a substitution.
D - Either team may request a timeout.
Sorry, oldsetter, the correct answer in this situation is "B". Per Rule Interpretation Newsletter #1 from 2010:

The first referee authorizes service (beckons) but before S1 can serve the ball, an errant ball from another court enters the playing area and creates a safety hazard. The referees whistle to stop the service action. The Team S coach requests a lineup check before the next authorization for service.
Ruling: After an authorization for service, there can be no requests (timeout, substitution or lineup check) or a libero replacement until the next time the ball is out of play. If the next out-of-play ball occurs as the result of a completed rally, all requests are allowed at that time. If the next out-of-play ball occurs after play that is not a completed rally, a lineup check would be allowed, but no other requests or libero replacements would be permitted.
Hopefully that clarifies when a line-up check is and is not allowed in these types of replay situations.
Jan G. Filip - San Jose, CA
EBVOA Rules Interpreter Emeritus
NCS Volleyball Officials Coordinating Committee Recorder
CIF State Volleyball State Championships Referee (2005), Scorekeeper (2006-2007) & Libero Tracker (2010)
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 17, 2012, 07:46am
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The quiz was taken yesterday. I was also tripped up by the question that you posted, as in my line-judge clinic, it was emphasized that the line judge would no longer signal for players off the court at the moment of serve.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 17, 2012, 10:36am
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Originally Posted by pavbref View Post
In the following question, the correct answer is B which states that no line-up check is permitted:

The first referee authorizes service but before S1 can serve the ball, an errant ball enters the court. The referees whistle to stop the service action. Which of the following requests are permitted before the first referee re-authorizes the serve?

A - Either team may request a lineup check.
B - No requests (lineup check, timeout or substitution) and no libero replacements are permitted until the next time the ball is out of play.
C - Either team may request a substitution.
D - Either team may request a timeout.
The key here is that the request is after the beckon of serve. The errant ball does not constitute a replay, since the ball was never put into play. Had the ball been served, we'd have a replay and a lineup check would be permitted. But since the whistle had been blown and the ball had not been served, we are not in the window where a lineup check would be permitted.

I believe this was covered in last year's OTP. There is no error on the test, and the answer is B.
Felix A. Madera
USAV Indoor National / Beach Zonal Referee
FIVB Qualified International Scorer
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sat Aug 18, 2012, 12:00am
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Oh, I have a hard time remembering rules that don't make sense. It seems odd to me that it matters if the serve is contacted or not.
Beacon, replay before serve, no line up check
Beacon, contact ball, replay, line up check.

I'm signing up for ref school.
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